1O1O Asia Pacific 5G Prestige Service

Allows you to travel between Hong Kong and 15 Asia-Pacific regions without worry, keep connected to the network at all times, and enjoy high-quality network and roaming services

1O1O Asia Pacific 5G Prestige Service
Commitment period 24 / 36 months
Monthly fee (SIM connection) (2)
$349 $459 $659
Monthly local mobile and roaming mobile data usage(2)
(For sharing in Hong Kong & 15 designated Asia Pacific destinations(1))
10GB 30GB 50GB
Monthly local data(2)
60GB 110GB 180GB
Thereafter charges for local mobile and roaming mobile data(2)
$38 / 1GB
Clubpoints(9) 5,000
Local Intra-network SMS(3) 500
Local Intra-network MMS(10) 200
Complimentary Travel Privileges
Complimentary Club Care Annual TravelCare Insurance (Plan A)
(Arranged directly by Club Care)
KingKing voice roaming service
Complimentary value-added service
(12 months Complimentary service)
2 Months MOOV 24 bit Music Service~
Viu Premium Service&
Local data wavier for
Now TV app**
2-months Restart 3.0 Handset Switch Service=
1O1O Privileges
1O1O Personal Assistant
Norton Mobile Securityα
Home Contents and Emergency Assistance Protection PlusΩ
(arranged by Club Care)

Call the 1O1O Product Hotline on 2988 1010
or visit a 1O1O Center for details

Terms & Conditions: