1O1O Personal Assistant Terms & Conditions:

  1. General terms
    1. 1O1O Personal Assistant service (this “Personal Assistant Service”) is available to select customers of the HKT Group, including 1O1O HOME and 1O1O mobile customers. By using this Personal Assistant Service, customers are deemed to have read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions governing this Personal Assistant Service, including the prevailing version of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the relevant Privacy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement.
    2. The HKT Group reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Customers can access the latest version of these Terms and Conditions at the 1O1O HOME website (www.1010.com.hk/1010home) and 1O1O mobile website (www.1010.com.hk).

  2. Service
    1. Unless otherwise specified by the Personal Assistant, this Personal Assistant Service, when used by eligible 1O1O or csl customers, is provided and operated by CSL Mobile Limited and Club HKT Limited (“Club HKT”). Unless otherwise specified by the Personal Assistant, if a customer is not a 1O1O or csl customer but is a NETVIGATOR customer eligible to this Personal Assistant Service (regardless of whether the customer is also qualified for this Personal Assistant Service for having other HKT Group services such as Now TV service), this Personal Assistant Service is provided and operated by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”) and Club HKT. Unless otherwise specified by the Personal Assistant, if a customer is not a 1O1O or csl customer, nor a customer of NETVIGATOR or other HKT Group service, but is a Now TV customer eligible to this Personal Assistant Service, this Personal Assistant Service is provided and operated by Now TV Limited and Club HKT. The operator and provider of each Personal Assistant Service is known as a “HKT Group Service Provider”.
    2. Each HKT Group Service Provider shall not be held responsible for services provided by other HKT Group Service Providers and makes no guarantee as to the quality or performance of services provided by others. Each HKT Group Service Provider makes no representations nor warranties regarding the quality or performance of services provided by other HKT Group Service Providers, neither does it guarantee that its services will be continuous or error-free.
    3. 1O1O and csl customers are bound by the “Mobile Service Agreement” when using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service. For details, please go to https://www.1010.com.hk/tc/terms_and_conditions or https://www.hkcsl.com/tc/service-terms-and-conditions. NETVIGATOR customers are bound by relevant terms and conditions when using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service. For details, please go to the NETVIGATOR website at www.netvigator.com. Now TV customers are bound by the “Now TV Terms & Conditions” when using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service. For details, please go to https://www.nowtv.now.com/terms-and-conditions.
    4. Customers may access information and content (“Third-party Content”) or register, book, or purchase goods (“Third-party Goods”) and/or services (“Third-party Services”, collectively referred to as “Third-party Goods and Services”) from businesses outside the HKT Group (“Third-party Service Provider”) via this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service. HKT Group Service Providers are not providers of any Third-party Content, nor supplier of any Third-party Goods and Services, and do not guarantee any aspect of any Third-party Content or Third-party Goods and Services (including but not limited to quality) and will not be responsible for any matters in relation to this Personal Assistant Service.
    5. By registering, booking, or purchasing Third-party Goods and Services via this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service, customers are deemed to have (i) read, understood and accepted all relevant terms and conditions as stipulated by the Third-party Service Provider; and (ii) authorised HKT Group Service Providers to accept these terms and conditions of the Third-party Service Provider on their behalf and to submit applications, reservations or orders to the Third-party Service Provider.
    6. When using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service, a customer must take personal responsibility for assessing and assuming all risks and agree that HKT Group Service Provider shall not be held liable for any form of damage to the customer or others. Customers must assess and assume all risks associated with using Third-party Content, including the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Third-party Content.
    7. Customers agree that HKT Group Service Providers have the right to add, modify, or terminate this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service or any part thereof with or without notice, including varying any Third-party Content or changing any terms and conditions of Third-party Content and Third-party Goods and Services.
    8. Customers agree to authorise HKT Group Service Providers to consider anyone using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service via the customer’s 1O1O HOME service/1O1O mobile or using the customer’s personal data or account information as representing the customer or authorised to represent the customer. HKT Group Service Providers are not obliged to verify a customer’s registration information when the customer uses this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service.

  3. Charges
    1. All eligible 1O1O HOME and 1O1O mobile customers can use this Personal Assistant Service for free until further notice. HKT Group Service Providers reserve the right to charge fees at some point in the future.
    2. Customers who connect to this Personal Assistant Service via phone or SMS may be charged by the telecommunications service provider concerned.
    3. If the Third-party Goods and Service are used by others, regardless of whether the customer is aware or has given consent, the customer is solely responsible for all charges associated with the Third-party Goods and Services. Any Third-party Goods and Services are sold directly, or provided to customers by the Third-party Service Provider. HKT Group Service Providers shall not be held responsible for the actions or negligence of Third-party Service Providers. All refund requests must adhere to the refund policy of a Third-party Service Provider and be submitted directly to the Third-party Service Provider concerned. Customers should contact a Third-party Service Provider directly if they have any inquiries or complaints regarding Third-party Goods and Services.

  4. Third-party Content and Third-party Goods and Services
    1. Third-party Service Providers are responsible for the Third-party Content and Third-party Goods and Services they provide. HKT Group Service Providers make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, truthfulness or quality of any product description relating to Third-party Content or Third-party Goods and Services.
    2. Transactions, business dealings and disputes between customers and Third-party Service Providers are conducted entirely between the customer and the Third-party Service Provider concerned. HKT Group Service Providers shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from transactions or the use of services from Third-party Service Providers.
    3. Customers shall comply with copyright and intellectual property laws (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”). Except as expressly permitted by law, customers shall not, under any circumstances, engage in nor permit others to sell, reproduce, distribute, modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, or create derivative works of Third-party Content, nor disclose or use Third-party Content for commercial purposes without consent from HKT Group Service Providers, nor infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of others during use of Third-party Content.
    4. Unless explicitly stated, or obtained with clear consent, customers cannot acquire any Intellectual Property Rights by using Third-party Content.

  5. Warranty
    1. HKT Group Service Providers strive to provide customers with convenient and effective services, but do not guarantee that the ervice content is error-free, nor that the service shall be continuous or free from interference or delay.
    2. This Personal Assistant Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. HKT Group Service Providers do not provide any express nor implied warranty, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of others’ rights. HKT Group Service Providers decline to make representations and warranties, as far as applicable laws allow.

  6. Limitation of liability and indemnification
    1. HKT Group Service Providers and their employees, directors, relevant agents and licensees shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including losses, damages, errors, omissions or interruptions caused by using this Personal Assistant Service (including consequences resulting from violation of any warranty commitment or these Terms and Conditions), even if HKT Group Service Providers predicted or were aware of the possibility of such compensation. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims arising from use of this Personal Assistant Service shall be limited to fees paid by customers for using this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service.

  7. Privacy
    1. Customers understand that by using this Personal Assistant Service, they agree to authorise the use and disclosure of their “Personal Data” as defined by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong), in accordance with the relevant Personal Information Collection Statement.

  8. Termination of service
    1. A customer’s right to utilise this Personal Assistant Service is entirely at the discretion of HKT Group Service Providers, which may suspend, restrict and/or terminate any customer’s right to utilise this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service at any time, without notice and without giving reasons.
    2. If customers have not used this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service for a long period, or if HKT Group Service Providers have reason to believe customers may have violated certain laws, or the spirit of these Terms and Conditions, or have infringed the rights of the HKT Group or others, HKT Group Service Providers may suspend, restrict, and/or terminate a customer’s right to utilise this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service at any time, without notice.

  9. Others
    1. HKT Group Service Providers reserve the right to change or terminate this 1O1O Personal Assistant Service and/or these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKT Group Service Providers shall be final.
    2. Except for members of the HKT Group, no entity other than HKT Group Service Providers and the relevant customers has a right to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
    3. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English shall prevail (the Chinese version is provided for reference only).
    4. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts in respect of resolving any dispute in connection with these Terms and Conditions.