To Pay "e-Bill"


Payment Methods
You can make use of the below channels to settle your bills:

  • Credit Card / Bank Account Autopay
  • ATM / JETCO Payment
  • Payment by Phone Service (PPS) / PPS on Internet (Merchant code:1O1O-05, One2Free-84)
  • Cheque by Mail


In Person
Please make payment at:

  • Any 1O1O Centres or One2Free Stores
  • Any 7-Eleven stores (accept cash payment only and must bring your printed monthly bill)



  1. Customer should present the mobile bill upon payment. Please check your receipt immediately after payment to ensure that the recorded information is correct and retain the receipt for future reference.
  2. Payment received before 5:00 p.m. will be processed on the same day (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays).
  3. 1O1O Centres and One2Free Mega Stores accept both cash and cheque payment.


Register Now ! Login "My Account Page"


* Email alert will be sent to the email address being provided in your e-Bill registration. If you are using our free email account - xxxxxxxx@cs (where xxxxxxxx is your mobile no.), please remember to activate your account at "Mail@1O1O" in "My Account Page".


1O1O Customer Services Hotline : 2888 1010