1. This e-Gift Voucher valid from now until 30 April 2025.
  2. This e-Gift Voucher can be used only for the purchase of designated handsets, tablets and handset accessories at their suggested retail prices (Not applicable to designated Apple products). For the details, please check with staff.
  3. Any outstanding balance (if any) after deducting the face value of e-Gift Voucher must be settled by UnionPay Credit and ATM Cards with UnionPay logo, UnionPay Mobile QuickPass (including but not limited to Apple Pay and Huawei Pay) and UnionPay QR code, except the RMB cards issued by specific Hong Kong and Macau card issuing institutions with UnionPay International Company Limited. WeChat Pay, Alipay and Alipay HK are not eligible for this payment.
  4. This e-Gift Voucher can be used only at dedicated 1O1O Center (except Maritime Square, Cityplaza, Fanling Town Center, Tin Yiu Plaza).
  5. This e-Gift Voucher can be used only for purchase and full payment of designated items and no change will be given.
  6. This e-Gift Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts, promotions, e-Gift Vouchers, gift vouchers or credit card interest-free installment plan.
  7. This e-Gift Voucher cannot be transferred nor exchanged for cash or other products.
  8. To redeem this e-Gift Voucher, customer has to present the valid proof of identity for validation.
  9. This e-Gift Voucher will not be re-issued in the event of loss or expiry.
  10. Incomplete, damaged or printed e-Gift vouchers will not be accepted.
  11. In the event of inconsistencies between the Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail.
  12. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right of final determination in case of any dispute.

CSL Mobile Limited 香港移動通訊有限公司